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      치매예방 및 치료, 수면개선(불면), 음주해동, 집중력개선, 심신피로, 두통, 떨림, 건망증, 중독(음주, 게임), 불안, 화병, 스트레스, 우울, 심신장애, 섭식장애, 편두통 약물 클리닉, 두통 도침치료 클리닉, 심인성통증 특수치료 클리닉, 공황장애 클리닉, 통합심신의학센터 진료(암환자 스트레스 관리, PTSD, 희귀난치성신경근육질환 등)
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전문 분야 : 치매예방 및 치료, 수면개선(불면), 음주해독, 집중력개선, 심신피로

신경계 질환 : 두통, 편두통, 부종(수술후), 치매(건망), 중독(음주, 게임, 흡연 등), 떨림 등

정신계 질환 : 불안, 화병, 우울, 수면무호흡증, 하지불안증후군, 스트레스, 심신장애, 섭식장애 등

기타 : 통합심신의학센터 진료(암 환자 스트레스 관리, PTSD, 희귀난치성신경근육질환 등)

특수 클리닉 : 두통 도침치료 클리닉, 심인성 통증 특수치료 클리닉, 공황장애 클리닉


한방신경정신과 전문의
M&L Therapist

현) 가천대학교 한의과대학 부교수
현) 가천대학교부속길한방병원 진료부장

2023. 4 ~ 현재 (사)대한한의학회 재무이사
2021. 4 ~ 현재 대한한방신경정신과학회 고시이사
2022. 1 ~ 현재 M&L심리치료학회 총무이사
2017. 3 ~ 현재 남북민족의학협력위원회 위원
2017. 3 ~ 현재 가천대학교부속길한방병원 임상시험윤리심의위원회 위원, 의약전문간사
2017. 4 ~ 현재 보건복지부 건강보험 전문평가위원회 위원


Curcuzedoalide contributes to the cytotoxicity of Curcuma zedoaria rhizomes against human gastric cancer AGS cells through induction of apoptosis. J Ethnopharmacol, 2017; 213: 48-55 doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2017.10.025. Epub 2017 Nov 2.

A Study on the Clinical Effects of Group Therapy for Panic Disorder Patients Based on Mindfulness & Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi Therapy. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2014; 25(4):319-332

Survey of Motives for Visiting Oriental Medical Hospital and Satisfaction with Oriental Medical Care for Cancer patients: Report of 22 Cases. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015; 26(1):23-38

Toxicity of Eun-bi San Pharmacopuncture Injection in the Muscle of Rats, Journal of Pharmacopuncture, 2015; 18(1):063-071

A Study on Emotional Characteristics with the Core Assessment Instrument Based on Chiljeong in Insomnia Patients, Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015; 26(2):191-200

A Case Report for PTSD Patients Based on Mindfulness & I-Jeong-Byeon-Gi Therapy, Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2014; 25(1):73-84

Study on Validity and Reliability of Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) for Measuring Mindfulness Meditation Program Before and After. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015; 26(2):181-190

Development of Korean Medical Psychotherapy and Preliminary Clinical Trial for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015; 26(1):49-61

A Review of experimental study on Dementia in Oriental medicine(Within Oriental medicine journal since 2000). Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2008; 19(1):125-146

Comparative Study on respiration training method of Sun-do training. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2007; 18(1):173-184

The study on characterstics of panic disorder through clinical and personality scales in MMPI of patient with Panic disorder. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2005; 16(1):129-142

The study about Correlations of heart sizes in patients with anxiety disorder. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2005; 16(2): 35-42


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M&L심리치료학회 정회원

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